Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Same-Sex Rights

Anyone that knows me knows that I am probably the least political person there is, but I've been watching the political arena when it comes to same-sex rights and marriage because the whole debate intrigues me. I am glad that the Supreme Court has decided to strike down part of DOMA and have given legal rights to legally married same-sex couples. And now they have also ruled that same-sex marriage can resume in California. But this brings me to my original problem with the government and same-sex marriage. Why is it anyone's business who I want to marry? Why should anyone care if I want to marry someone that is the same sex? And why is the government trying to tell me how to live my life? Everyone has the right to their own opinion but now I feel like people are trying to tell me how I have to live my life and I will not allow that to happen to me again. Now I am by no means gay but I don't think that anyone should be telling anyone else who they can or cannot be married to. Who anyone decides to spend their life with should be their decision and does not affect anyone else. I am Catholic and I am not gay but I support everyone's right to live their own life the way they want.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Romney and other politicians

Well Romney's latest slip of the tongue just backs up the fact that he is a normal and thoughtless when it comes to people who have to scrape to make ends meet. It's not a big secret that I am not a fan of politicians. I think the only way our country is gonna get any better is if we have people in office that have been where the people are! Most of the rich don't know what it's like to be poor or middle class. They've never had to save every penny to make sure they don't lose their home or to make sure their kids have food or heat. Do you know why you can't be a politician if you aren't rich? Because you can't buy elections if you don't have money. If these politicians want to help our country and our economy let them take a pay cut. I for one am sick and tired of hearing these rich people tell those of us that aren't rich and that are struggling that we are fine and we need to suck it up. Why should they tell us what we should do and how we should live? Just a thought for everyone to think about.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome To The End

Well here we are entering 2012, what some are calling the beginning of the end. For those of you that have been living under a rock or stranded on an island I'm talking about the end of the long count calendar in December. There are quite a few people that think the world is going to end on December 21. And if you look at some of the things that have been going on around the world it looks like it just might. I say if the world is going to end there is nothing we can do about it, if it's our time then so be it. Personally I don't think the world is going to end...yet. But I'm sure this is going to be an interesting year with more than one blue moon this year and the planetary alignment.

Over the coming months I will be posting about things going on in the world and my thoughts about the Mayan calendar that is ending. As always, feel free to make comments and whatnot whenever you like.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Terminal Terror

This is exactly the reason why I don't go on these free fall rides.

Settlement reached after girl's 100-foot fall from Wis. Ride -
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

New planet

It's about time we find a new planet we can destroy.

(For Those of you that didn't catch it, that was sarcasm)

Astronomers find new planet that could support life -
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No Common Sense

After reading this I wonder how stupid some people are. I mean I know I don't have a lot of common sense but come on people. How retarded do you have to be to paint your fingernails while you're driving? And even though she killed someone with her car she only got 18 months in jail...and she's allowed to leave during the day to go to work and what not. Thats about as retarded as what she was doing. I want to know if she's driving to work and whatever. And if she did put the bottle away before she hit the other person doesn't that make it worse? And the other things are just as bad. Eating a full meal while driving? Why not pull over to eat...stay at the restaraunt...or wait till you get where you're going? Do people really think that they won't cause an accident doing stuff like this? I think we need to pay attention to the road morons...put the book away...say goodbye to your friend on the phone and watch where you're driving before you kill someone else. If I had my way, the idiots that cause accidents because they're distracted by something that doesn't belong in the car would be punished severely. And if someone died because of your stupidity you would be punished like any other murderer.

Other forms of distracted driving receive little attention -
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why Spare Her

Why should this woman be allowed to live after allowing her husband and stepson to be murdered? Is that justice? She may have a low IQ but she is not mentally handicapped. She knew exactly what she was doing. There is no reason she should be spared when she didn't spare her husband and stepson from death.

Clemency urged for woman with low IQ on death row -
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