Saturday, August 28, 2010

Humanity on Death Row

Anesthesia shortage may delay executions

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm wondering why we are being so nice and humane to these people who have been convicted of crimes that are bad enough to be sent to death row. I say don't be so kind to them...they were not kind and humane to their victims. Put them before a firing squad like we used to.

And another of the guys they talk about has been on death row for 22 years. What are we waiting for? Why are we delaying his death? Are we waiting for him to die of old age? The lady he raped and murdered has been dead for 23 years. Give her family closure already! He should've been killed years ago. Get on with it.

Basically these states need to grow a backbone. Who cares if these murderers are in pain or if they are comfortable. Show them the same courtesy they gave their victims...which is none. And in case you hadn't guessed, I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye.

I wish I could have 5 minutes alone with the loser that killed my cousin a few years back. He killed someone else in another state and they just passed him on to us. He was being sued and going to court in a week so he killed my cousin so he wouldn't have to go to court. He should've been shot when he confessed to the cops. He wants everyone to think he's crazy but he knows how to play the system.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

At The Vet

Vet's view: 10 things not to do with your pets in a vet waiting room
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Same-sex marriages

Schwarzenegger: Let same-sex weddings resume now

This is the latest on whats going on in California. Everyone knows my opinion...what about yours?
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gay Marriage in CA

Judge to issue ruling in landmark California gay marriage case

I am still trying to figure out why the government has any right to tell us who we can and cannot marry. It is no one else's business who anyone else is married to. What is wrong with our society? Are we that bored with our own lives that we have to try to control other people? I'm not gay by any means but it really irritates me. The next thing you know the government will be pairing us up like robots and we won't have any choice at all. As for the religious groups...I'm Catholic...but I believe that God made us what we are. Some of us are strong, some short, some big boned...and some would rather be with someone of the same sex. We can't help who we fall in love with.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Immigrants problems while leaving

Illegal immigrants also risk arrest leaving U.S. Http://

If they are illegal immigrants they shouldn't be here anyway. Why is there even a group dedicated to the rights of illegal immigrants? If they are not citizens of this country they do not have our rights. We don't have rights in other countries why should they have rights in ours? Like I've said before, if they want to come to our country let them apply for citizenship...its not like its hard to become a citizen. You don't even have to work, we'll give you welfare and all sorts of assistance. Other countries aren't as generous as we are when it comes to becoming a citizen.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

More on the Arizona law

States rethink illegal immigrant bills after Arizona ruling

It sounds to me like some of the other states are planning it safe and are afraid to rock the boat and make waves. I say flip the boat over...we need laws like the one Arizona is trying to pass. I've lived close to the border and I've seen how easy it is for illegals to cross over. I think as Americans we should all support this law...and anyone who doesn't I think is a coward.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Are you kidding?!

&nbdip;Georgia pastor fired up over school's demon mascot -;

I have news for this pastor...if these kids in this town grow up evil and worshiping the devil its because of the way they were raised by their parents not because of their school mascot. Sounds to me like this guy is bored with his life and needs to complain about something. Either that or he wants to push his beliefs on to everyone else. What do you think?