Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Same-Sex Rights

Anyone that knows me knows that I am probably the least political person there is, but I've been watching the political arena when it comes to same-sex rights and marriage because the whole debate intrigues me. I am glad that the Supreme Court has decided to strike down part of DOMA and have given legal rights to legally married same-sex couples. And now they have also ruled that same-sex marriage can resume in California. But this brings me to my original problem with the government and same-sex marriage. Why is it anyone's business who I want to marry? Why should anyone care if I want to marry someone that is the same sex? And why is the government trying to tell me how to live my life? Everyone has the right to their own opinion but now I feel like people are trying to tell me how I have to live my life and I will not allow that to happen to me again. Now I am by no means gay but I don't think that anyone should be telling anyone else who they can or cannot be married to. Who anyone decides to spend their life with should be their decision and does not affect anyone else. I am Catholic and I am not gay but I support everyone's right to live their own life the way they want.

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