Thursday, February 2, 2012

Romney and other politicians

Well Romney's latest slip of the tongue just backs up the fact that he is a normal and thoughtless when it comes to people who have to scrape to make ends meet. It's not a big secret that I am not a fan of politicians. I think the only way our country is gonna get any better is if we have people in office that have been where the people are! Most of the rich don't know what it's like to be poor or middle class. They've never had to save every penny to make sure they don't lose their home or to make sure their kids have food or heat. Do you know why you can't be a politician if you aren't rich? Because you can't buy elections if you don't have money. If these politicians want to help our country and our economy let them take a pay cut. I for one am sick and tired of hearing these rich people tell those of us that aren't rich and that are struggling that we are fine and we need to suck it up. Why should they tell us what we should do and how we should live? Just a thought for everyone to think about.

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