Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Arizona Law

&nbdip;Mexico braces for effects of Arizona immigration law - USATODAY.com&nbdip;

I think its about time someone do something about the illegal immigrants. I have no problem with people coming to this country legally, my problem is with the ones that come here illegally. All they have to do is become citizens if they want to stay in this country...it really isn't that hard. In fact its easier to become a US citizen than a citizen in any other country. My biggest problem is the illegal immigrants that are taking jobs from the US citizens. Obama needs to wake up...in my mind it sounds like he doesn't care if his people are working as long as the illegal immigrants are taken care of. As for Mexico...they should be more concerned with why their people are in such a hurry to leave Mexico. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with Mexicans...some of my friends are Mexican...but I am concerned about our country.

Location : 1357-1699 U.S. 50, Parkersburg, WV 26101,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fun Times in Mexico

&nbdip;Swim with the whale sharks in Mexico - USATODAY.com&nbdip;

I think I have found a new activity that I wanna do! That looks like it would be awesome! Anyone care to join me?

Location : 407 Hill St, Parkersburg, WV 26104,

The Face Vail

&nbdip;Saudi: OK to uncover face in anti-burqa countries - USATODAY.com&nbdip;

I wanted to share this story from USA Today with all my followers, friends, and anyone else that reads my stuff because it just really irritates the life out of me that there are places in this world that still won't treat everyone as equals. What is wrong with this picture? Women should be treated like the men...even though a lot of men think they are better than us. I beg to differ about that. No one person is better than another, no matter what country you're in or what religion you follow. Why are women in these countries forced to hide who they are? I think that the Muslim men are intimidated by women so they force women to hide their identities. This is the 21st century...wake up!

Location : 1357-1699 U.S. 50, Parkersburg, WV 26101,

Friday, July 9, 2010

For All The Smokers

Why is it that people who smoke don't mind lighting up around people who don't smoke? Are they that inconsiderate? They don't even ask if the smoke bothers us...they just light up. And if we say anything they look at us like they are so insulted. Well you know what...I'm insulted. They whine about how their rights are being taken away cause they can't smoke in public places. I know it's a free country but don't I have rights too? Like the right to live...the right to choose what goes into my body? I don't want to pollute my body and lungs like you smokers do. So why don't you smokers quit being selfish and think about others sometimes.

Location : 1357-1699 U.S. 50, Parkersburg, WV 26101,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Isn't English Our Native Tongue

I have a question...why is it that whenever I call a company I have to press 1 for English? I was always told that English was our official language. So why is it that most of our citizens speak Spanish. When someone wants to become a citizen of our great country should they not have to learn the official language. If we want to become a citizen of another country (which is extremely harder than to become a US citizen) we have to learn the language of that country.

This is just one of the many problems and questions I have about this country that has so many freedoms that make it impossible to live free. (Just my opinion)

Location : Parkersburg, WV,