Friday, July 9, 2010

For All The Smokers

Why is it that people who smoke don't mind lighting up around people who don't smoke? Are they that inconsiderate? They don't even ask if the smoke bothers us...they just light up. And if we say anything they look at us like they are so insulted. Well you know what...I'm insulted. They whine about how their rights are being taken away cause they can't smoke in public places. I know it's a free country but don't I have rights too? Like the right to live...the right to choose what goes into my body? I don't want to pollute my body and lungs like you smokers do. So why don't you smokers quit being selfish and think about others sometimes.

Location : 1357-1699 U.S. 50, Parkersburg, WV 26101,

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